



由于安东尼医生和我都是近视,我们的孩子患近视的几率是 40-50%。我们都同意尽一切努力减少他们患上与我们相同处方的可能性。减少屏幕时间,更多时间在户外(根据最近的研究,每天至少 1.5-2 小时),以及角膜塑形镜是可行的。

Huynh Do Family - Glasses Free 对于已经近视的孩子来说,眼矫正器提供了一个很好的控制机会!三年前,当我成为 Paragon CRT 的认证正畸专家时,我的前三位患者是我的表兄弟!我的表兄弟们控制得很好。我当时 6 岁的最小表弟自那时以来没有改变处方,而我当时 9 岁和 13 岁的另外两位表弟在 3 年内只增加了 0.50D。 但是我们经常忘记散光矫正镜片的目的是维持和控制近视,以减少患青光眼、黄斑变性和快速形成白内障等严重眼疾的风险。我想确保保护我的视力,以便能够享受和看到我的孩子成长。 www.eyeinvision.com/about





關鍵字: 矯正鏡片、角膜重塑、視力矯正、睡眠療法、夜用鏡片、清晰視力、無需眼鏡、隱形眼鏡、眼鏡替代品、隱形眼鏡替代品、眼科護理、眼科醫生、眼部健康、近視鏡片







CoRE retainer

Ortho for the eyes. Cornea reshaping technology.

  • 矫正视力:角膜塑形技术。
  • 无需眼镜或隐形眼镜:享受全天清晰视力的自由和便利。
  • 改善眼部健康:角膜塑形术可以潜在减缓儿童近视的发展。
  • 安全有效:是一种非侵入性和可逆的治疗方法。
  • 舒适:大多数人发现角膜塑形镜睡觉时佩戴舒适。




  • 初始咨询: 您的验光师将进行全面的眼科检查,以确定您是否适合角膜塑形镜。
  • 镜片配戴: 将定制的角膜塑形镜配戴到您的眼睛上。
  • 调整期: 您将按照验光师的指示佩戴角膜塑形镜,您的视力将逐渐改善。在此期间,定期随访预约非常重要。
  • 维护: 一旦您的视力稳定,您通常每周佩戴角膜塑形镜几次以维持您的视力效果。


Children glasses free


“以前,我每天早上都讨厌戴隐形眼镜,整天还要戴眼镜。角膜塑形术改变了我的生活!我醒来时视力清晰,不用担心任何事情。” – 满意患者

“我儿子的近视度数越来越高,我担心他的视力。角膜塑形术帮助减缓了他的近视进展,他不用戴眼镜,心情好多了。” – 担忧的家长




How do I know if I am ready or my child is ready for the Eye Retainers

There are multiple signs that a child requires myopia control that include:
Kids working close to see clearly.

Kids working close to see clearly.

  • Yearly worsening of vision
  • Young age of 1st wearing glasses
  • Parent(s) are nearsighted / have myopia
  • High near sightedness / myopia
  • Yearly progression of myopia (nearsightedness)

How do I know if I or my child has myopia?

There are multiple signs that a child is having difficulty seeing that include:
  • Yearly progression of myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Poor distance vision
  • Frequent headaches or blurry vision
  • Constantly rubbing the eyes
  • Poor comfort or vision with contact lenses or glasses
  • Poor focus and visual tracking
  • Chronic redness or tearing of the eyes
  • Forgetfulness with contact lens care (sleeping in contacts, not cleaning contact lenses).
  • Sitting too close to the TV
  • Want or need freedom from glasses or contact lenses
  • Active lifestyle (sports, exercise, going out)
  • Progressing or worsening vision


  1. Is it permanent? No, the eye retainers do not cause a permanent change in the shape of the cornea.  The advantage of the non-permanent change is, if there is a change in your or your child’s prescription, a new retainer can be designed to accommodate for this change.
  2. Why not LASIK for my child? The purpose of Laser surgery for the eyes is to give good vision, not slow down myopia. For young patients, as the prescription tends to get progressively worse each year, Laser surgery is not recommended. The purpose of the Eye retainers is to slow down myopia & an additional benefit is having good vision. As such, it is recommended for any age, but especially recommended for children.
  3. How safe are wearing retainers overnight? Wearing any type of contact lens or retainer will have a risk of infection. However, because the retainers are worn at home & with the presence of an adult, the risks of infections or other types of complications are minimal. In addition, proper cleaning, wearing & replacement will keep eye complications to a minimum.
  4. How do I clean the lenses? We often a rub, rinse & store solution specifically made for retainers.  Ask your eye doctor for a recommended solution. This link will take you to a more detailed lens cleaning guide.
  5. What do I do if my child loses or breaks the retainer? Let us know as soon as you can. A new retainer will need to be ordered, but in the meantime, we can provide soft contact lenses to wear.
  6. What happens if you forget to wear the retainer? Your child’s vision will go back to his / her original prescription.  However, this is a gradual process.  Depending on the child, we would recommend to wear during the school day or we can provide soft contact lenses to wear; then resume wearing the retainers during sleep.

The Science of Myopia & CoRE Retainers

Eye model 1

The cornea, which is the front of the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the the retina (the back of the eye). 

Eye model 2
Myopia Eye

For nearsighted people (or myopia) the eye is longer, this in turn changes the focus point.  Instead of focusing on the retina, light is now focused inside of the eye.

Retainers Day 1
Retainer Reshaping

The left illustration shows the initial Eye retainer on Day 1 vs treatment eye shape.  Eye retainers are worn like contact lenses, but at night when you sleep. The eye retainer reshapes your eye and when you wake up, take the retainers off, your eye has a different shape!

Myopia EyeRetainer Reshaping Light Diagram