A common misconception is that you need Vision insurance to get an eye exam! The good part is you can use medical and vision insurance at our office!  Also, we accept many insurances The vision insurance plans we accept are: VSP (Vision Service Plan), Eyemed, Humana VCP (Vision Comp Benefits), Guardian Life, MetLife, Spectera, Davis, Walmart Vision and more. Vision insurance will give patients 1 comprehensive eye exam per benefit period or calendar year, as well as benefits for glasses and contact lenses. The medical insurance plans we accept are: Medicare (Traditional Red White Blue card), Tricare, Cigna, Humana PPO, Aetna PPO, AdventHealth plans (including First Health), Multiplan and more. Medical insurance will help you when you have an eye specific problem, such as dry, irritated, red or pink, watery eyes.  Medical insurance can be used multiple times per year.  We commonly use medical insurance for patients who are coming for dry eyes, eye allergies, keratoconus, glaucoma, diabetes, macula degeneration, low vision rehabilitation, brain stroke or neuro-optometry rehabilitation.   Some common questions:
  1. Q. You are not an in-network provider, what can I do? A. This is true, some insurances have capped their doctor memberships! The problem is, the list of doctors are often not updated, thus you may need to travel up to 3 hours to see an in-network doctor.  You can make a request to your HR department and or your insurance company for us to be in-network. Your insurance can issue a special contract for you to see us. But you must request this.
  2. Q. I have already used my comprehensive eye exam benefit this year, do I need to wait until my insurance renews? A. No you do not. You can at anytime use your medical insurance or you can be a private pay patient. Often the exam cost for returning patients are minimal. Call us for more information.
  3. Q. Can I use my vision insurance for both glasses and contact lenses? A. The most frequent answer is No, with some exceptions. Vision insurance will help with 1 or the other and not both. However, if you have 2 vision plans, you can get both under vision insurance. Otherwise, we often have office promotions. Ask us during your eye exam and we will gladly help.
  4. Q. How do I know what is covered & not covered? A. Simple, ask your HR department or call us!
      *Your insurance coverage will depend on your particular plan. Contact us or your HR benefit coordinator for more information. The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or legal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.  Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.